
Shipping policy

  • We ship world-wide. We offer free shipping within India for purchases of INR 1200 and above. International shipping is chargeable. If you choose an international location for shipping, corresponding shipping charges will be added at checkout. Any additional customs or import duty/octroi/local charges or other levies in your country/location will have to be borne by you
  • You may need to provide us a copy of your Government ID and other particulars as mandated for shipments to certain international destinations
  • Once your order is shipped, tracking details of the same will be shared with you. You have to track your shipment thereafter. In case you do not receive the shipment within expected timelines, please get in touch with us
  • While we ensure that the shipments are dispatched within three business days after payment (for orders that do not require customisation) , actual delivery depends on the courier/postal services. While the shipments usually get delivered earlier than or within expected timelines, there can be rare exceptions and outliers at times, (especially in case of international shipments) due to connecting flights/airline and cargo issues/delay in customs clearance/ holiday or festive season/natural calamities like flood/heavy rains or events such as strikes etc. which are beyond our control. Do note that customs clearance time varies from country to country and at times on other factors too, which even the postal or courier agency cannot foresee. We seek your cooperation and understanding in such situations. Kalpavastram shall not be liable for any delay in delivery by the courier agency/post office. Indicative timelines for orders that require customisation will be conveyed to you
  • Under normal circumstances, delivery timeline for domestic shipments is around 5 working days from the shipping date; while international shipments may take up to 15 business days from the shipping date
  • Certain delivery locations (both within and outside India ) may be remote and serviced with a longer timeline or not serviceable by our delivery partners. You will be notified in such a situation and additional charges if any will be communicated to you
  • In case of delivery failure due to incorrect/incomplete address provided by you or return of shipment to Kalpavastram by the shipping/delivery agency due to your unavailability to receive the shipment at your shipping address - any extra cost incurred by Kalpavastram to redispatch the shipment to you, will be payable by you
  • Change in address will be accepted only if your order has not been shipped. Change from international to domestic address and vice versa is not possible. Shipping charges, if any, arising due to change in address, will be communicated to you
  • In case you need deferred delivery, please write to us at support@kalpavastram.com. We can store your ordered product with us, free of charges, for a maximum of 2 months. You also need to let us know at least 10 calendar days  before you need the order to be shipped. It is implied that you understand the risk of keeping the product in our storage and Kalpavastram is not responsible for any damages to the products, accidental or otherwise 
  • We are not responsible for packages returned/ left at doorsteps/outside delivery address due to non availability of a trusted person at the delivery address to hand over parcels to


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